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About Me

I’m a voracious reader. My calling in life is editing. I’m ambitious and strong, but shy and like to sit in the background. I live in Germany with my husband, camera, computer, and a lot of ideas floating around in my head. They tend to take over (the ideas), and most of the time you’ll catch me staring off into space.
I like to capture moments, whether with writing or my camera. Moments in peoples lives that are painful, exhilarating, dull, perfect, teary, basically anything.

I'm an editor, a writer, a photographer, an entrepreneur, and a connoisseur of comfort. Oh yeah, I'm addicted to reading and coffee.

In October of 2009, my husband and I moved to Germany for his engineering job. I've been writing a lot. One novel is in the query stages, the next is on it's way. Some doors closed with the move, and others opened. We are so excited to be here and I hope you enjoy hearing about our adventures.

You can contact me at my email:
amie.mccracken AT gmail DOT com
Blog Design: Sydney Van Orden sydneyvanorden.com

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad I found this blog site. I love the whimsical & beautiful photography, the art tutorial (fabulous), and the invitation into someone's life so far away geographically. Great site!
Paulette Mahurin
Author of The Persecution of Mildred Dunlap