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The Writing on the Wall - Home Painting Project

Back in high school my two best friends and I had a painting business. We called it The Writing on the Wall and we even had business cards. We only worked for friends and family, but it was a lot of fun. We designed and painted rooms and typically we wrote a bible verse or some lovely saying in big letters on the focal wall. I've grown to love having words on the wall. And when I saw a rug that was like an old letter, I got my inspiration to paint on the wall again. So in my office I have a big wall that is just over my bookcase. Here is the recipe for painting words on a wall.


A blank wall.
Paint and a calligraphy brush.
A cup of tea and your favorite quote. Of course my hero is Jane Austen so we're going for some pieces of Pride and Prejudice. It helps to put the quote in a font you like on the computer so you have something to refer to.
Some twine or other way to keep the lines straight and the letters the same size. It's like a big rule book back in kindergarten when you were learning to write.
And voila! You have a lovely, hand-painted letter on your wall. I have Mr. Darcy's proposal, Elizabeth's refusal, her first glimpse of his wonderful house, and the first time they meet after their fight. In this situation I wanted to fill the whole wall so I picked a lot of words. With my friends we usually just did one line at the top of the wall. Although with one room we did one line all the way around the top of four walls. And another we did a long bible verse above someone's bed. Easy weekend project, and simple way to spruce up a boring room.


Célin J. said...

the wall is perfect! :D


Juliette said...

very cool! nice job - my hand is nowhere near steady enough to make it look so good in the end! =P

Andrea Krummel said...

this is awesome! you have wonderful penmanship :)

i need to finally read pride and prejudice. i loved the movie with keira knightley, but i need the words...

Karen Jones Gowen said...

I have always wanted to do this but of course I wouldn't dare myself. I would totally have hired your team!

Anonymous said...

O you are coming to my house (or cardboard box) and painting stuff when I get all set. :) I love your parents house, and this quote is amazing! I love it!!!

Betz said...

So glad to see you painting....pure inspiration!

Wonderful, just wonderful!!

lisa and laura said...

OH! I love this! What a fantastic idea. One day when I have an office of my very own I'm going to do this.

And think of how cute it would be to quote picture books in my kids rooms...this might be the perfect decor for a writer! I'm bookmarking this post!

Lori P said...

In the words of Mr. Darcy, "I love, love, love this." That's just one of our favorite quotes. My daughter has that entire quote that you painted on her facebook as a fave. What a great idea!

Gracie said...

That is absolutely the best idea. And your writing is fantastic! This has inspired me to write lovely quotes of Bible verses on my blank walls.

And thanks for your idea! I actually have done something similar before but it wasn't a fake letter. But thank you so much for the idea.

Anonymous said...

This is an incredible idea, and I SO have to steal it! I can't even express how much I love this one :) It looks awesome!

Ann Best said...

I like this "writing on the wall." It definitely does wonders for plain, boring walls. If I'm ever a homeowner again, I'll do it!! This does look awesome; incredibly creative.

Mirys Segalla said...

Just perfect!!!

How much time did you spend in the hole project? Because I have a huge blank wall at home and I wanna do this... but I also have 2 kids! So time is precious for me! LoL!

Waiting for your answer...

Kisses and blessings.
(from Brazil)

Mirys Segalla said...

Just perfect!!!

How much time did you spend in the hole project? Because I have a huge blank wall at home and I wanna do this... but I also have 2 kids! So time is precious for me! LoL!

Waiting for your answer...

Kisses and blessings.
(from Brazil)